Managing the Design Process

Managing the Design Process
This comprehensive two-day course seeks to identify and resolve the key challenges in the management of the design process, both in infrastructure and building design, exploring established approaches and innovative practices.

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The course is structured around Design Timeline and considers the different design management requirements for Concept Design, Options Evaluation, Detailed Design, Design Delivery and Handback. Consideration is given to the implications of CDM 2015, the effect of Digital Construction and current BIM Protocols.

Each Session is conducted in a relaxed participative format, which recognises and utilises what the participants already know as well as providing them with many new ideas, techniques and practices. Working Group exercises are used to stimulate the participants to explore specific issues and draw from their own experience, providing valuable knowledge to be shared with each other under the expert guidance of the tutor(s).


Management of design requires the technical and practical application of Engineering as one of its founding principles. However, successful management of the design process requires the application of all the attributes of a Chartered Civil Engineer.

Arguably, when the design process is managed well, the management of design goes unnoticed, but the reverse is also true - when the design is not managed well the ramifications are far reaching and expensive, both in terms of cost and programme. In today’s construction industry, good design management is the key to a successful project and the decisions of the design manger can make or break a project.

This training course starts at 09:00 and finishes at 17:00 with refreshment breaks mid-morning and afternoon, plus lunch. All timings, except the start time, are approximate and may be adjusted to suit natural breaks in the lesson.

Day 1

  • Session 1 - Introductions
  • Session 2 - Managing the Design Process
  • Session 3 - Concept & Feasibility Design
  • Session 4 - Options Design & Evaluation
  • Session 5 - Overview

Day 2

  • Session 1 - The Designer
  • Session 2 - Detail Design
  • Session 3 - Design Delivery
  • Session 4 - Digital Construction AKA BIM
  • Session 5 - Design Handover
  • Session 6 - Conclusion & Feedback

At the end of this course, delegates should:

  • Understand the design timeline and the different design management techniques required at each stage
  • Appreciate established and innovative practices in design management
  • Be able to identify common design management ‘challenges’
  • Be able to develop individual/organisational design management tools

This initial training course is tailored to meet the needs of a wide variety of people; from those with some existing design management experience, to those who just want to understand more about the management of design and the design process.

Attendees might include:

  • Experienced graduates
  • Those currently involved in or wishing to understand more about the design and construction process
  • Project managers
  • Site managers
  • Design coordinators
  • Commercial managers
  • Clients' representatives

Some knowledge of infrastructure and building design is assumed, but the course seeks to examine what the participants already know and to extend their knowledge appropriately through sharing, discussion, and provoking thought.

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